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Black cumin

Planting and Care Tips How Black Cumin Thrives in the Garden

Black cumin is an annual, slender-growing, herbaceous plant. Learn how to plant and care for it in the garden on myHOMEBOOK>
Micro-ventilation window

Handle at a 45-Degree Angle How Micro-Ventilation Works at Window

With some windows, you can set the so-called "micro ventilation", also known as "gap ventilation". What is this all about?

Delicate summer flowers with bright colors Planting and care tips for cosmos

The cosmea, also known as the Mexican aster or cosmos, is characterized above all by its colorful flowers.
Why do apples turn glassy?

Visible after the harvest Why do some apples turn glassy?

Occasionally, when cutting into an apple, you notice that it has glassy spots. Why do some apples turn glassy? And can you still eat them?
Powder blue is one of the color trends for fall 2024

Interior designer reveals The color trends for fall 2024

As colorful as autumn leaves? This year, the color trends for autumn 2024 deviate here and there from the typical tones at this time of year.
Even in September, the lawn needs attention

Lawn calendar What the lawn needs in September

Even in September, lawns need a certain amount of care. myHOMEBOK explains what you need to do to ensure your lawn grows well.
Pruning roses in the fall

Care tips Should you prune roses in autumn?

So that you can still enjoy your roses in the fall, it's important to look after them properly. Does pruning in the fall make sense?
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