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Garden trends 2025: natural gardens and self-sufficiency

Chaos Gardening, Self-Sufficiency, ... These Are the Garden Trends for 2025

Swimming pond or willow tunnel: Garden trends come and go. myHOMEBOOK provides an overview of what will be popular in the garden in 2025.
Winterizing the vegetable patch

Preparing for the Next Season Winterize the Vegetable Patch Now

myHOMEBOOK shows you how to prepare your vegetable patch for winter. With the right precautions, next year's harvest will be more abundant.
Winter-proof terrace

Plants, furniture, floor care Perfectly preparing the patio for winter

To be able to use the patio in the coming year, it should be winterized before the first frost. Read how to prepare the patio for winter.
Even in December, you shouldn't ignore your lawn

Lawn calendar How to care for your lawn in December

You should also take care of your lawn in December. myHMEBOOK explains which tasks still need to be done before the turn of the year.
When it gets colder outside, the garden also needs special attention

Step by step How to winterize the garden

Before the first frost, it's time to get the garden ready for winter. myHOMEBOOK reveals which tasks should be completed.
The potato rose has many positive properties, but there are a few things you should know about this plant before you plant it

In the garden as well Why beach rose can become a problem

Beach rose is a perennial and pretty flowering plant. However, it can become a problem in the garden as it is considered invasive.
If a rhododendron becomes calcified, it can be pruned, but this is not a must

Garden knowledge When to prune rhododendrons

If you want to prune a bald rhododendron, there are a few things to bear in mind. myHOMEBOOK explains how to do it.
Low-maintenance garden

Gardening for the lazy 6 tips for a low-maintenance garden

Working hard in the garden every day? Read how to turn a garden into a beautiful and relaxing oasis that is also a low-maintenance garden
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