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How to care for your lawn in December

Even in December, you shouldn't ignore your lawn
Even in December, the lawn should not be neglected Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/wmaster890

December 3, 2024, 1:57 pm | Read time: 3 minutes

Snow, ice, and cold can be constant companions in winter. But the cold season doesn’t mean you can take a break from lawn care. Dr. Harald Nonn from the German Lawn Society explains to myHOMEBOOK what care your lawn needs in December.

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In December, we usually think more about cookies and Christmas than the garden. But we can’t completely ignore the garden and lawn care in particular. There are a few things that should be done for the lawn despite the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle and cold weather.


Even in December, it can be important to mow the lawn, explains Dr. Nonn: “The cutting height should be maintained throughout the year. Where possible, I recommend continuing to pick up the clippings; otherwise, they will muddy and smear on the surface.” The situation would be slightly different for robotic mowers that are out and about every day or even every other day. “You can leave the clippings here. However, you should keep an eye on whether it accumulates on the surface over time. If this is the case, you should pick it up,” explains the expert.

Getting garden tools ready for winter

Before lawnmowers enter their well-deserved winter hibernation, they should be serviced and, if necessary, repaired. “Cleaning is important. Blades should be sharpened or, in the case of robotic lawnmowers, replaced if necessary so that you can get started in the spring with sharp blades,” says Dr. Nonn. “If you do it yourself, you have to make sure that the blade is balanced. If you grind too much of the blade on one side, it will become unbalanced. This would cause further damage to the mower.”

Keep the lawn clean

The last leaves should have fallen from the trees by now. The professional emphasizes that it is important to remove the leaves from the lawn: “So that no fungal diseases develop underneath and the grasses can continue to photosynthesize if there is enough light.”

Dealing with hoarfrost, snow, or frost on the lawn in December

December usually brings cool temperatures and, ideally, snow. The professional advises against walking on the lawn under these conditions: “If you walk on the lawn, damage can occur, especially if the grass is frozen; it can break like glass. Subsequently, this can result in gaps in the lawn where moss or other plants may encroach.” When snow falls, you should make sure that you don’t throw it onto the lawn when sweeping or shoveling. “It’s dark underneath, diseases usually spread underneath, and the grass is weakened,” explains Dr. Nonn.

More on the topic

Should you reseed?

The expert advises against reseeding in December: “If you sow now, it can still turn green, but as a rule, it won’t turn green again, and if there is a wet winter, the lawn seeds will rot.” You can save these for the spring. The German Lawn Society offers a good overview of which lawn seeds are suitable for which purpose.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of MYHOMEBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

Topics Garten im Dezember Lawn Winter
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