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Curiosity from the USA

Spraying the Lawn Green Instead of Watering It? What the Expert says

In the USA, it is already common practice to dye dry lawns green. Madness or a way to save water?
In the USA, it is already common practice to dye dry lawns green. Madness or a way to save water? Photo: Getty Images

January 20, 2025, 4:27 pm | Read time: 4 minutes

In some areas of the USA, it is already common practice – the lawn is dyed green. The idea behind this is to save water without the lawn looking dried out and brown after not being watered. This idea has now spread to Germany. Here, too, in particularly dry years, there are some restrictions that prevent lawns from being watered. Garden owners then occasionally resort to lawn paint. When asked by myHOMEBOOK, Dr. Harald Nonn from the German Lawn Society reveals what he thinks of this practice.

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In Germany, we are having to contend with so-called drought summers on an increasingly regular basis. Water is becoming scarce in some communities, so people in the affected regions are advised to stop watering their lawns. In California, USA, the situation even goes one step further. There, it is regulated by law which green areas of one’s own property may or may not be watered.

The pragmatic – but also curious – solution to the problem is to spray the lawn with green paint! What sounds like a bad joke at first is not so far-fetched. Because it definitely saves water. It costs the equivalent of around 130 euros for so-called “lawn painters” to treat the dry grass with green paint. So, what does an expert say?

What Is Lawn Dye?

What at first sounds like a curious practice from the hot regions of the USA is actually also possible here in Germany. Green lawn paint is now also available in Germany. This can be applied using spray bottles. The paint can even be obtained from plants themselves and often contains organic fertilizer to boot. Even a heavy rain shower should not be able to wash the paint off, as the manufacturer claims it is waterproof. However, the manufacturers also keep the exact ingredients a closely guarded secret. The paint can be removed by mowing the lawn.

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How Do You Dye the Lawn Green?

Before you start dyeing the lawn, you should mow it about four days beforehand. Depending on the color, you can either apply it directly or mix the color with water in the specified ratio beforehand. In dry conditions, the lawn paint can then be applied in strips. During this time, you should avoid walking on top of the already colored area. On a sunny day, the color dries within five minutes. On cool days, it can take up to an hour. The paint adheres poorly to wet grass.

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How Much Lawn Paint Should You Plan On Using?

One liter of lawn dye can be used to dye around 20 to 50 square meters of lawn. However, how much lawn you actually dye depends on the color of the blades, the right technique, and your own preference as to how dark you want the grass to be.

Tip: You can use a white sheet of paper to test whether the color has dried. Without cutting, the lawn color can last two to four months.

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Is Spraying the Lawn Harmful to the Environment?

The idea of coloring your lawn green may sound strange. The thought of spraying particles into your own garden that don’t really belong there quickly leads to the idea that lawn paint could be harmful to the environment. According to the manufacturer of “Green Lawn Paint” – the original lawn paint from the USA – the paint is biodegradable as it is made from plant parts. Therefore, it is claimed to be safe for humans, animals, and the environment.

What Does the Lawn Professional Say?

However, Dr. Harald Nonn, Chairman of the German Lawn Society, is critical of the green color for lawns: “Personally, I don’t think artificial greening is justifiable, as it introduces color pigments into the environment that don’t belong there.” According to the expert, attention should be paid to the functions of lawns.

“Green, vital lawns cool the environment through evaporation and thus contribute to the well-being of people and animals, especially in summer. They bind dust, consume CO2, and produce oxygen,” explains Nonn. It is not known whether a dyed lawn can fulfill these functions.

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What Alternatives Are There to Spraying the Lawn Green?

According to Nonn, most of the deficiencies caused by dry periods in the lawn recover with the next rainfall. “Thus, an artificial green coloration may deceive the eye into perceiving a vitality that is not truly present.” Increasing drought tolerance has been an important topic of turf research for many years. “Seed mixtures geared towards drought tolerance are already available,” explains the expert. One alternative could be transitioning to specialized drought-resistant turf.

Additionally, hobby gardeners can support a green lawn with the right fertilizer and the nutrients it contains. Nitrogen and magnesium are particularly important for a lush green lawn.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of MYHOMEBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

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