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Not just for hanging up

This is what the hole in the pan’s handle is for

Hole in the handle of the pan
The hole on the pan handle is not just for hanging up Photo: Getty Images / Collage myHOMEBOOK

October 10, 2024, 10:59 am | Read time: 2 minutes

Most people know how to use a pan properly. But what many people don’t know is that the hole in the pan’s handle has more than one function.

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There are some household utensils that have unexpected functions, such as the hole in the spaghetti spoon, which can be used in two ways, or the recess in the chopping board. Many pans also have a special feature that is quite helpful. This is the hole in the pan’s handle. You can use it to hang the pans up to save space. But the hole also has another, rather practical function. Find out what it is here.

This is the function of the hole in the pan’s handle

Most people use the hole in the pan’s handle to hang up the pan. And that’s absolutely right because it’s the ideal way to store the kitchen utensil without taking up too much space. However, there is a second function that this hole in the pan’s handle has.

Instead of always putting the wooden spoon or spatula down next to the hob, you can simply stick it in the hole. This way, you don’t unnecessarily smear leftovers on the kitchen worktop and have the spoon right at hand.

And that’s not all: you don’t just stick the spoon through the hole so that it sticks straight up. Instead, it is inserted at an angle so that the end of the spoon protrudes diagonally over the pan. If any leftover food drips down, it ends up directly back in the pan.

And it’s not just pans that have a hole like this in the handle, but also so-called saucepans. They are also ideal for placing a wooden spoon or spatula.

Tip: Some saucepans also have specially shaped handles that are ideal for placing the wooden spoon in. However, leftover food can sometimes drip onto the hob.

More on the topic

Other practical holes in the household

It’s not just pans that have a practical hole in the handle – there are also a number of other household items that have this extra function—for example, the screwdriver. The hole in the handle is not just for hanging up the tool.

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