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Supposed to Save Detergent

Washing Laundry with Tennis Balls? Expert Has a Clear Opinion

Tennis balls in the washing machine are supposed to save detergent - is that true?
Tennis balls in the washing machine are supposed to save detergent - is that true? Photo: Getty Images

January 12, 2025, 4:32 pm | Read time: 2 minutes

Sometimes, the most curious tips and tricks can be found on the Internet – such as cinnamon as a fertilizer, coffee grounds to combat cats, or tennis balls in the washing machine. myHOMEBOOK took a closer look at the latter supposed trick and asked an expert about it.

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You’ve occasionally read that you can put tennis balls in the dryer. But in the washing machine? This alleged life hack only recently appeared on the Internet. Among other things, they are supposed to help save detergent. Is it true?

What Tennis Balls Are Supposed to Do in the Wash

Tennis balls are generally used for sporting activities or as animal toys, but they can also work wonders for laundry care. If you put them in the washing machine or tumble dryer, they ensure that the laundry becomes or remains soft and fluffy.

However, it should be noted that it depends on the laundry itself, explains Bernd Glassl from the German Personal Care and Detergents Association: “It makes sense to put tennis balls in the washing machine and especially in the tumble dryer when washing items that are filled with down, such as down jackets or pillows. The tennis balls prevent the down from clumping together.”

However, if you are hoping that this will make the towels soft again, you will be disappointed, explains the expert: “Tennis balls do not help to ‘knead’ towels, etc.; this is done by the other textiles in a fully loaded washing machine.”

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Does It Save Detergent? Here’s What the Expert Says

The use of tennis balls in the washing machine is said to save detergent. The balls are supposed to loosen stuck-on dirt more easily. However, Glassl explains that this trick is not true. This trick is neither suitable for softening towels nor helpful in saving washing powder. This supposed life hack for the washing machine is, therefore, not recommended.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of MYHOMEBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

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