October 10, 2024, 10:52 am | Read time: 4 minutes
If you want to make a refreshing iced tea, you can use the leaves of the Australian lemon leaf. The following care tips should be followed to ensure that the plant grows and produces many leaves.
Plants do not always need magnificent flowers to exude an intense scent. The Australian lemon leaf (Plectranthus species) proves that leaves can also be wonderfully fragrant. In this case, the scent is refreshing lemon, which is also indicated by the name. The plant is originally from Australia and New Zealand. It is still relatively unknown in the United States, but it will thrive with proper care.
Planting Australian lemon leaf
Once the last frosts have passed in May, the Australian lemon leaf can be planted in the garden. When planting, make sure that the planting hole is twice the size of the root ball. The distance to other plants should be around 30 to 50 centimeters. Planting in a container is recommended because the Australian lemon leaf is not hardy.
Appearance and growth
In its native Australia, the lemon leaf grows as a small, bushy shrub. It can reach a height of between one and two meters. The plant is known for its leaves, which are soft, thick, and covered with many delicate little hairs. If you rub the leaves, they exude a fresh lemon scent. The aroma is so strong that the plant can act as a natural air freshener. The plant’s flowers appear in summer and are purple or white.
Location and soil
Depending on the conditions in its native country, the Australian lemon leaf needs a bright spot in the sun or partial shade. The substrate should be loose, humus-rich, and well-drained. Use drainage to avoid waterlogging. Herbs such as lavender and thyme are suitable as neighboring plants.
There are no specific varieties.
Caring for Australian lemon leaf
Australian lemon leaf is a plant that requires medium care. It is considered hardy and robust.
It is important to water sparingly but evenly. Before reaching for the watering can, you should make sure that the top layer of soil has dried out. Floppy and drooping leaves are not necessarily a sign of a lack of water in the Australian lemon leaf. If the plant is exposed to a lot of sun and dry air, it will try to reduce its leaf surface area to prevent a lot of water from evaporating.
During the growing season in spring and summer, the plant should be given an organic fertilizer once a month.
Pruning after flowering encourages bushy growth. Dead shoot ends should also be removed.
In summer, the Australian lemon leaf can be propagated by cuttings. Simply cut off ten- to fifteen-centimeter-long cuttings and stick them in soil consisting of sand and compost. The cuttings should soon root in high humidity.
Young plants should be repotted after one or two years at the latest. Older specimens only need to be moved to a larger pot if there is no more room for the roots in the old container.
The Australian lemon leaf is not native to the United States and is, therefore, not adapted to the local weather conditions in winter. Gardeners should move the plant to a bright, sheltered place such as a conservatory as soon as temperatures drop below five degrees Celsius.
The plant is not poisonous and can even be used in the kitchen.
In addition to the Australian lemon leaf, there are other plants that spread a pleasant, lemony scent. These include lemon thyme (Thymus citriodorus) and lemon verbena (Aloysia citrodora).
Bee friendliness
The flowers of the Australian lemon leaf contain pollen and nectar, making them attractive to bees and other pollinating insects.
Diseases and pests
The plant is considered to be resistant to diseases and pests. Gardeners should check the leaves occasionally for spider mites and aphids. A biological pesticide such as neem oil can be used to rid the plant of pests.
The leaves of the Australian lemon leaf can be harvested all year round. However, they taste most aromatic before flowering. The leaves, with their fresh lemon aroma, can be utilized in both fresh and dried forms in culinary applications.

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Whether fresh or dried, the leaves can be used to enhance salads and fish dishes. They can also be used to make oil and (iced) tea. You only need a handful of the leaves to make a tea. Pour boiling water over the leaves and let the tea steep for five to ten minutes before drinking. The lemon leaf is reputed to have calming and digestive properties. For this reason, it finds application in natural medicine as well.