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Cleaning routine

How often you should clean in a single household

In a single household, the cleaning is left to one person. A well-thought-out cleaning plan can help to get things done more quickly
In a single household, the cleaning is left to one person. A well-thought-out cleaning plan can help to get things done more quickly Photo: Getty Images

October 10, 2024, 10:49 am | Read time: 3 minutes

If you live alone, the cleaning is up to you. The only question is how often you really need to clean your home, and how can you ensure that the tedious tasks are done quickly?

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Living alone has various advantages and disadvantages when it comes to cleaning your home. First of all, you know that you only have to remove your own dirt. No one will nag you if you forget to vacuum, and you don’t have to remind anyone to take out the garbage. On the other side of the coin, you’re left to do all the tasks yourself. Vacuuming, mopping, laundry, washing up, window cleaning, tidying, and much more have to be done by one person alone. The mountain of tasks can quickly take you by surprise. A long to-do list is also demotivating. How often do you have to clean in a single household, and what is the best way to go about it?

Create a cleaning plan for a single household

In order to clean a single household efficiently, it makes sense to draw up a cleaning schedule. It helps to divide up and structure the tasks. It also allows you to keep track of all tasks.

In addition, a cleaning schedule adds a certain regularity – provided you stick to it. This prevents the tasks from piling up into a long, overwhelming list, and, at the end of the day, you get things done more quickly. Regular cleaning prevents dust from turning into stubborn dirt that you have to laboriously remove.

Of course, you decide how you set up your cleaning schedule. One option is to divide it into time slots.

Daily cleaning tasks

Basic hygiene should always be maintained. Daily tasks such as putting used items back where they belong or wiping away new dirt help with this. In a single household, you should make the bed and clean the toilet every day. It is also advisable to keep the kitchen tidy, wash the dishes promptly after cooking, and tidy up afterward.

Cleaning a single household every week – these are the tasks

In addition to the daily tasks, there are also weekly cleaning tasks. These include mopping the floor, vacuuming, and thoroughly cleaning the bathroom and kitchen. Doorknobs and handles on chests of drawers and cupboards should also be disinfected once a week. Of course, you don’t have to do all the tasks in one day, but can divide them up again.

If you sweat a lot or have pets in the household that are allowed to sleep in the bed, you should also change the bed once a week. If this is not the case, it is sufficient to change the sheets and covers every two weeks.

What you should clean once a month in a single-person household

A single-person household generally produces less dirt than a multi-person household. However, this does not mean the cleaning gloves can be left hung up for most of the time. However, it is reassuring to know that you only have to think about some tasks once a month. These include turning over and cleaning the mattress, cleaning the fridge, and descaling appliances.

More on the topic

Which tasks should be done once a year

Various areas in a single household only need to be cleaned once a year. These include curtains and drapes. Defrosting the fridge and freezer is also an annual task.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of MYHOMEBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

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