October 23, 2024, 3:43 pm | Read time: 3 minutes
While it feels like the laundry dries by itself in summer, it can take longer in winter. myHOMEBOOK reveals seven tips for drying laundry in your home faster – without a tumble dryer.
In the cold season, it can happen that half the living room is full of freshly washed laundry. But because it doesn’t dry quickly enough, you can’t get rid of the mess in time – and then the next wash cycle is already on the agenda. Tumble dryers might be a solution – but they cost money and energy, and not everyone has space for such a large appliance. Fortunately, there are also little tricks that can be used to dry laundry faster.
1. Don’t hang laundry too close together
To ensure that laundry dries faster on the drying rack, it should not be hung too close together. It is important that air can circulate between the textiles. Sometimes, there is not enough space between the clothes on the clothes horse – if you want them to dry faster, you should leave a line free. It is also important to ensure that the laundry items do not touch each other when drying.
2. Spin cycle is crucial
You can take precautions when washing so that the laundry dries faster afterward. To do this, you need to choose the right wash program. The spin cycle is crucial. The higher the spin speed, the more liquid is spun out.
3. Fan creates a draft
A good draught helps the laundry to dry faster. In winter, you can’t ventilate for ages – a fan can be useful as an alternative. Point it at the wet laundry, and a draught is created, which ensures that the textiles dry faster.
4. Usse hangers
If you are in a hurry or want to banish the huge clothes horse from your field of vision, hangers can also help. If you hang the clothes up, they won’t stick together and can dry faster. However, there are a few things to bear in mind here: Not every item of clothing should be hung on a hanger, as it could wear out. You should also choose wide and stable hangers.
5. Hairdryer as a replacement for drying mannequins
If you need to do things quickly, a hairdryer can also help. Instead of just blow-drying from the outside, you should also let the warm air flow inwards. This has a similar effect to ironing dolls. In the best-case scenario, this will also reduce creases.
6. Use an iron
To dry laundry faster, you can also use an iron. Of course, this method is only suitable if the garment in question can be ironed. In addition, there should really only be some residual moisture left in the fabric, which you can then simply “iron out” with the iron.

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7. The towel trick
After showering, you usually wrap your hair in a towel to dry it. A similar trick can also be used with wet laundry. To do this, lay a towel on a smooth surface and place kitchen paper on top. The damp item of clothing is then placed on top of this. Then, place a second layer of kitchen paper on top and roll everything up. Finally, knead the towel roll to get rid of any remaining moisture. Incidentally, the kitchen paper does not have to be thrown away afterward; you can simply reuse it as it has only come into contact with clean laundry.