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Simple Trick

How to Sharpen Blunt Razors Quickly

Razor blades
Razor blades are expensive and dull quickly - they can be easily sharpened with the jeans trick Photo: Getty Images

December 23, 2024, 1:51 pm | Read time: 3 minutes

If a lot of hair remains after shaving or you cut yourself frequently, it’s time for a new blade. However, this can be expensive in the long run. You can also sharpen the razor instead. There is a simple trick for this.

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If a blade gradually becomes blunt, shaving can become uncomfortable. Razor burn occurs, and small hairs are no longer caught. However, before disposing of the blade, you can try to sharpen it. All you need is something that almost everyone has at home: a pair of jeans. Sharpening razor blades is quick and effortless with a simple trick.

The Jeans Trick to Sharpen a Razor Blade

All you need is an old pair of jeans – preferably not your favorite pair, as the fabric could fray with this trick. And this is how it works:

  • Lay the jeans out on a flat surface
  • Dry the blunt razor blade thoroughly – wet blades cannot be sharpened as well
  • Now, slide the razor over the denim fabric 15 to 20 times. Caution: Move the blade against the usual direction of shaving.

There is also a trick circulating on the internet where the razor blade is sharpened by pulling it along the direction of hair growth on the forearm. However, it is easy to injure yourself with this method.

Mehrere Jeans übereinander gestapelt
It is advisable not to use your favorite jeans for this trick, as the fabric may fray.

Reader tip: Blunt razor blades can also be honed with a leather strip. Hairdressers also use this trick. One reader told the myHOMEBOOK editorial team that he was able to use a razor for around six months using this method. He trimmed the leather strip to match the width of the razor blades. He explains: “When the blades become dull, they require a longer honing session, but subsequently, a quick one or two strokes before shaving will suffice.”

Rasierer mit Lederstreifen abziehen
A myHOMEBOOK reader has shared positive experiences using a strip of cowhide to hone his razor
More on the topic

How to Prevent Razor Blades Dulling So Quickly

The jeans trick is a quick and easy way to sharpen razor blades. But there are also a few tricks to prevent the blades from dulling quickly in the first place.

  • Disinfect the blades: In addition to flakes of skin and hair, a lot of bacteria can get stuck between the cutting edges. These can then cause razor bumps when shaving. To prevent this, razor blades should be disinfected regularly.
  • Clean and dry the blades: Residues such as skin particles or shampoo residues collect between the blades after every shave. This causes them to become blunt more quickly. You should, therefore, clean the razor blades regularly under running water. To be even more thorough, you can also use an old toothbrush, for example. It is then important to dry the blades thoroughly. Even if the razor blades are usually made of stainless steel, flash rust can form. This also happens if you leave the razor wet in the shower.
  • Oil the blades: Proper care is also important for razor blades. They then need to be sharpened less often. This is very easy with baby oil. Simply apply a thin layer of oil – this creates a barrier that makes the blades more resistant to moisture and other factors that can lead to quicker dulling.

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of MYHOMEBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

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