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Should you prune roses in autumn?

Pruning roses in the fall
Late pruning can be worthwhile for roses Photo: Getty Images

October 10, 2024, 10:41 am | Read time: 3 minutes

Roses are real classics in the garden. However, they also require the right care. Does pruning in the fall make sense? An expert explains.

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Roses are an adornment for any garden – if you look after them properly. Correct pruning is an important care measure. If you do it right, you can still enjoy your roses in the fall.

Why late pruning makes sense

If you want to see your roses bloom well into the fall, you should also pick up the shears in the late summer months. In August and September, in particular, removing faded flowers can help extend the flowering period.

“Depending on the temperature, roses sometimes grow well into November and can still be in bloom by then,” explains Jörg Korfhage, gardener and trainer at the DIY Academy in Cologne. Regular pruning of faded flowers promotes the growth of new buds. The garden expert recommends cutting off the flower branch above the last five-pointed leaf.

Tip: A simple test shows whether it is time for pruning. If you shake the flowering branch slightly and the petals are already falling off, the time is right.

According to Korfhage, severe pruning is not necessary in the fall. The best time for this is spring, as soon as there is no longer any danger of frost. However, if you value a well-tended garden, you can prune the roses slightly before winter. “Cut back long shoots a little so that the roses look more compact overall,” advises Korfhage.

Pruning too much before winter can be risky. The roses could freeze back in harsh winters, making it necessary to prune them again in spring. In this case, the plants could turn out significantly smaller.

Planting and transplanting roses in the fall

September is the ideal time to plant new roses. The soil is still warm enough for the plants to take root well before winter. A relatively large hole should be dug for planting. “It should be twice as wide and deep as the root ball,” says Korfhage. He also recommends mixing the excavated soil with 25 percent humus.

Roses can also be transplanted in the fall. The best time for this is October or November, but roses can also be transplanted in February or March.

More on the topic

Should you still fertilize in autumn?

Roses should not be fertilized in autumn. The last suitable time for this is the beginning of August. If you fertilize later, the roses will sprout again in the autumn when the weather is warm. “This may look beautiful in the garden, but the new shoots will not be able to mature sufficiently and harden off until winter,” warns Korfhage. These soft shoots are particularly susceptible to frost damage and could easily freeze to death in winter.

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With material from dpa

This article is a machine translation of the original German version of MYHOMEBOOK and has been reviewed for accuracy and quality by a native speaker. For feedback, please contact us at

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